
Dheya Abyan

I am a junior at Fordham University majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Economics. I am a Junior Frontend Developer intern at a SWE startup called Wireflow, and I like to craft solid and scalable frontend products with great user experiences.


GitHub User Search App

My latest project, where I use the GitHub users API to pull profile data and display it. I utilize all the skills I learned in previous projects and implement it into this one.


Testimonials Grid Section

This project highlights my CSS Grid skills. In this project, I view the optimal layout for the site depending on the device's screen size.

Social Links Profile

This is my social link-sharing profile, kind of alike a mini portfolio. This project displays my ability to show hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page.


Results Summary Component

This is an HTML and CSS only project. It was my first project starting out in my journey, and I built a design of a project I had in mind.

What I do

As a computer science student on the path to becoming a software engineer, my schedule is filled with a variety of activities that guide me and lead me to hone my skills and expand my knowledge in the field.

Study Sessions

After work, I spend countless hours in programming sessions with either friends or tutors whom I met through networking. I mainly focus on tackling complex problems, and writing code to develop innovative solutions.


This is a crucial aspect in my journey, as I actively connect with tech companies and other professionals in the field by attending events and engaging in discussions to learn more about the software engineering experience, it's also how I connected with Wireflow.

Headstarter AI Fellowship

Currently, I am involved in a fellowship with Headstarter AI, where I work on real-world projects and apply my knowledge in given assignments. This fellowship provides me with vital hands-on experience and the opportunity to contribute to AI developments. Furthermore, I get to work with a team of inspired future software engineers!

Intern Experience

During my 2.5 months working under Wireflow, I had the opportunity to dive into web development. I accomplished this by making learning HTML and CSS my main focus, in which then I applied my newfound knowledge into a variety of projects. By learning how to create response web pages to designing user-friendly interfaces, it has further fueled my passion for building and designing web applications.

College Experience

Studying computer science in Fordham University has taught me a lot of things. The rigorous curriculum and supportive academic environment has allowed me to get into software engineering, and make the learning process of other cs languages easier. I developed a strong understanding with C++ which eventually led me to understand Javascript quicker. Additionally, I was given many opportunities to connect with other tech companies during career fairs.

Future Endeavors

My primary focus for the future is to secure an internship to gain practical experience and progress further into my journey of becoming a software engineer. To achieve this, I plan to enhance my technical skills in JavaScript, followed by learning React and Next.js. Additionally, I will concentrate on completing important and impactful projects that showcase my abilities and skills which will be extremely helpful in strenghtening my resume.

Get in touch

I'd love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, a project idea, or want to connect, feel free to reach out!